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We offer two curriculum pathways. These vary in terms of entry criteria and types of qualifications . It is important to note that whichever pathway you take, if you have not yet attained a Grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics and/or English Language, it is a Government (DfE) requirement that you must continue to study these subjects and make progress.


There is also a ‘Community and Spiritual Investigations’ (CSI) programme as part of the 16-18 Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural curriculum, which is supported by the volunteering programme.

You will also be expected to attend timetabled form tutor sessions, weekly assemblies and 1-2-1 progress tutorials to give you the academic and pastoral support to succeed. Non-contact time (study periods) are planned into your timetable to allow you to arrange your private study and independent research around taught classes.


There are also opportunities for developing other interests and skills, through shorter additional qualification courses, e.g. Level 2 Sports Leadership, Level 3 Extended Project Qualification.


For all students, offers of places on Level 3 BTEC or A Level courses are subject to attainment of the necessary GCSE or BTEC grades.


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help in any way that we can. We want you to feel happy and confident about joining Newman College.


If you are an external student considering joining Newman College and require further information, please contact Mrs V Jones, our Senior Sixth Form Administrator, who can be contacted on: (01273) 234332 or via email.


If you are a student already attending Cardinal Newman Catholic School, you will have a meeting with a member of the College Leadership Team to discuss the best choice of course for you.


All students whether currently at CNCS or other schools should complete the online application form via the link below.




Read our Key Ofsted Information


Find out how to apply and see our admissions policies


We're proud of our fanstatic results! You can read more here


16 to 18 Tuition - Small Group funding for 2022-2023.


It is our belief that to achieve this we must identify the needs, talents and skills of all our students, including our most able.


A range of help and support is available for students who may experience difficulties in particular areas of learning.





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