On Monday 27 March, our Newman College Students experienced a 'Revision Techniques' Workshop from Positively You.
Positively You is one of the UK's leading providers of educational workshops and resources. For over 20 years, they have helped to empower learners and inspire learning, providing the tools and techniques students need to excel in exams. (https://positivelyyou.org.uk/ - 2023)
Many students approach exams with a sense of trepidation, especially in Key Stage 5 with the added demands and workload, and the higher-order thinking needed to achieve top grades.
This workshop helps alleviate exam stress. The fast-paced, high-energy, interactive sessions are designed to improve memory skills and increase self-confidence. Students begin to understand the importance of reflective practices and regular review in exam preparation, and gain a heightened sense of aspiration and self-belief through positive learning attitudes.
Put simply, the skills learned in this workshop will improve exam performance.
The workshop was held with the aims of:
Improve exam preparation and performance
Develop effective techniques to organise workload and manage the learning environment
Stimulate a positive attitude towards learning and revision
Build confidence and aspirations
Alleviate exam stress
Encourage a holistic approach to learning and wider life skills through:
Stress reduction
Mental and physical health and wellbeing
With such a busy time for our Year 13's, this workshop has really helped them to plan their revision for upcoming exams.